Tuesday, June 14, 2011

EDCI 5825 June 14

Q What are some ways that you can create authentic collaborative projects in your current/future classroom? Please provide specific examples.
  1. I can create a class wiki to record our observations over time on a project. An example of this in Horticulture would be crop production. As a class we could record data as we observe the crop grow. Students could take turns recording each event such as the application of pesticide or fertilizer. We could add graphs and images to the wiki and then as a final assessment at the end of the project, students could answer questions that I post and draw conclusions from the data collected. On a wiki only one person can edit the page at a time so I would allow class time for entering data. For this reason it would not be a homework assignment but the questions could be answered on a word document individually.
  2. Another idea is to create a google document which does allow more than one person to edit at the same time. This could be used to collect student's analysis on a particular subject. For example we could discuss in class a current event article in agriculture such as the use of corn as a fuel source. Each student could then form their own viewpoint based on the article, and enter it on a googledoc for homework. That way we would have all the data in one document and easily see what the consensus is. It would become a written debate.
  3. I also love the idea of a wiki as a classroom dictionary for plant science (EdTechTeacher, 2011). I could post terms that I think are important to class but the students could also add terms during class when we are exploring new material and come across terms we need to define.
  4. This website also suggests using a wiki to collect study notes for class (EdTechTeacher, 2011). I think that adding material to a wiki throughout the course would certainly make it a great reference for students preparing for a quiz or test.
EdTechTeacher (2011 ). Teaching history with technology. Retreived from: http://thwt.org/historywikis.html

1 comment:

  1. Excellent job this week! Clear, specific examples provided. I like your wiki idea... and I'm glad you mentioned the Google Doc option as well - and the fact that multiple students can edit the document at the same time (but not on the wiki).

    The only very minor issue I see is you are missing a period after the "EdTechTeacher" reference. It should be EdTechTeacher. (2011)....
