If a teacher allows students to share the instructional role of the classroom then he/she will be promoting optimal learning because she wants them to have the skills and autonomy to lead satisfying, productive lives. This empowerment and sharing of the teaching responsibility shows students that the teacher respects and values each student and their ability to research, to collaborate, and to direct their own learning. Pink calls this self-directed freedom and independence; autonomy. Competency is also achieved as students work to master concepts in creative self driven ways. As students work together they form bonds and a feeling of connectedness on this learning journey (Vygotsky).
Students will be intrinsically motivated when they have a voice in their learning environment. Instruction will be in their language, at their zpd (zone of proximal development) and relevant to their lives. Vygotsky's zpd refers to the zone which the student is currently at developmentally and cognitively; it is where learning occurs. If a student encounters material at his/her zpd then he/she can make sense of the information and growth will occur. Students will create curriculum that has purpose, and is interesting to them. Children are naturally curious and when allowed to explore within a safe and caring environment will want to learn (Siemens). This exploration is intrinsic motivation which leads to optimal learning in a supportive and caring environment (Noddings). A teacher will create this environment because she wants her students to be intrinsically motivated which will encourage them to be life long learners. If students have this intrinsic motivation they can overcome many obstacles that are put in their way and persevere in whatever path they may choose.We are always learning and evolving and should never feel that our education is over.
ReplyDeleteLooking good here too w/ one exception:
"Vygotsky's zpd refers to the zone which the student is currently at developmentally and cognitively; it is where learning occurs. If a student encounters material at his/her zpd then he/she can make sense of the information and growth will occur."
Check this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zone_of_proximal_development
and see if you want to revise.
Keep pressing!